Electric Power Systems with Renewables: Simulations Using PSSE 2nd Edition

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About the Book

  • Electric Power Systems with Renewables provides a comprehensive treatment of various topics related to power systems with an emphasis on renewable energy integration into power systems. The updated use cases and methods in the book build upon the climate change science and renewables currently being integrated with the grid and the ability to manage resilience for electrifying transportation and related power systems as societies identify more ways to move towards a carbon-free future.
  • Simulation examples and software support are provided by integrating the educational version of PSS®E. The newly revised edition includes new topics on the intelligent use of PSS®E simulation software, presents a short introduction to Python (a widely used software in the power industry), and provides new examples and back-of-the-chapter homework problems to further aid in information retention.

Textbook Files

It contains Simulation Files, Color Figures, Bonus Chapter, and Errata.

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Note: Files will be frequently updated